Play Clash Royale for real money
Your first duels are on us: We'll give you 300 ₿ sats credit!
1. Match
Find an opponent that matches your skill and budget
2. Duel
You battle each other in your favorite game
3. Payout
Win and receive your cash reward instantly
Games we are offering
Player Feedback

Diese App / Seite ist eine gute Abwechslung, um das Spielerlebnis und den Adrenalinkick nochmal zu steigern. War auch erst skeptisch, allerdings wurde ich positiv überrascht.

Ich find die App mega! Zahlungsmäßig hat alles top funktioniert. Ist zwar alles noch relativ neu, aber hat mega viel Potential und macht mega Spaß. Kann die App nur weiterempfehlen.

Sehr gute Idee mit der App, um ein bisschen mehr Spannung in das Spiel zu bekommen. Sehr nette Leute da und auch super Mitarbeiter.
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Frequently asked questions
The arena is the place where everyone meets and where you challenge others. Here you can see who is currently online and available for a duel and under what conditions the player is ready to play. You can also see statistics and data to find out how good the player is.
There is also an arena chat, which allows all players in the arena to talk to each other.
Yes, you can! Your first games are on us: We give you 300 ₿ sats credit! This is enough for at least three duels.
The credit is bonus credit. The bonus balance cannot be paid out. In duels, the bonus balance is automatically used to pay for the bet.
You can deposit and withdraw any amount between 100 ₿ sats and 1,000,000 ₿ sats.
Deposits and withdrawals are only possible via Bitcoin Satoshi through the Lightning network or as an on-chain transaction.
Yes you can withdraw your money at any time. Sometimes we will check some withdraws due to legal regulations to prevent money laundering.
Short answer: DuelDonkey is legal and not scam!
Long answer: Here's why:
When people ask if and how DuelDonkey is legal, this most often refers to gambling. Gambling is defined as " a wager of money or some other value on an event with an uncertain outcome, while the result of this event is substantially dependent on luck or chance". Gambling is (in most countries) not illegal at all, but controlled and licensed by government agencies due to the fact that gambling can be addictive and have negative effects when people gamble for real money. Also, the fact that it is a very nice source of income for states might play a role here.
Playing your favorite video games for real money on DuelDonkey is not associated with gambling because there is no element of chance, but purely skill-based games. That is why we restrict the game selection to certain e-Sport titles that are based only on skill and not on luck, or any random events.
We have worked closely with law firms and authorities in order to be able to offer DuelDonkey legally in Germany. The German gambling authorities checked our platform and did not classify our offer as a game of chance.
Thus, challenging your opponents on DuelDonkey is not gambling and totally legal. If in any case, this might not be true for your country of residence we will eventually restrict access to certain games or actions.
Fair Matchmaking
We support you with all available game stats and make sure you get matched with opponents of equal skill.
Withdrawals from 100 ₿ sats
As your escrow partner we make sure you receive your money after we have validated the results.
Growing Community
Build up your reputation, win matches and become a duel master!